Peer Educators, who are mainly Senior Section members, will come into your unit and run a different, relevant and fun evening on a whole range of topics, on issues that affect young people. These Peer Educators have been trained on how to deliver these sessions in a way that will be engaging and encouraging to your girls.
Peer education is about learning from each other; similar people sharing knowledge and information with one another. Peer Educators can run a session for any one aged 7 years and upwards.
Peer Educators are able to run sessions on 4 different topics, all made by 4Cast in conjunction with professional bodies (including the Department for Health, WAGGGS and Dove):
‘Free Being Me’ (for Brownies and Guides), which looks at self-esteem, body confidence and the media’s “Image Myth”. It aims to build girls’ body confidence and self esteem.
‘Healthy Relationships’ (for Brownies, Guides and The Senior Section) which looks at safe friendships for Brownies, helping them to be a good friend and/or stand up for themselves, and goes deeper into what a healthy relationship is for Guides & The Senior Section.
‘Youth Health’ (for Guides and The Senior Section), which explores risky behaviours typically associated with adolescence including smoking, drinking, sexual health and drugs.
‘Girls Learning to Lead’ – it help girls and Leaders work together to develop their Leadership skills and help grow girl-led guiding.
None of these sessions are set in stone. If there are areas that you particularly want to focus on, or not, then raise this with the Peer Educator and they will work around it.
The benefit for you as leaders are, among others, is that it’s free! It is an evening off for you, although you do need to still be around as the section’s leader. It helps to inspire those new ideas and adds to the programme. Peer Educators may tackle topics where you are not comfortable with starting a discussion, or do not know how start that discussion and they may have more current knowledge on the topics.
The benefit for the girls is that it is not you telling them, it is someone else that they are willing to listen to. The Peer Educators have up-to-date relevant information. This is all done in an informal manner which makes the Peer Educators approachable and encourages honesty. The topics can be linked to badges, Go For Its and Octants. These Peer Educators are enthusiastic role models and can show what further opportunities are available within Girlguiding UK.
If you have someone in your unit between the ages of 14-25 years (or if you fall within this age bracket yourself) they can become a Peer Educator, which is done by attending a weekend Basic Training. This training is completely free and great fun. They just need to run just three sessions a year to be an active Peer Educator. These can be run within their locality.
4 (peer education) is complimentary to the Queen’s Guide Award, Look Wider, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and the Chief Guide’s Challenge, amongst others.
If you would like a full list of the current topics that are available, or would like to book a Peer Educator, or want details of future training dates please contact the County Coordinator for 4 (peer education) at
The booking form is available here.