
DofE logo gunmetal no wordsThe Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is a programme of activities available to members aged 14-24. The programme is made up of three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold and encourages participants to undertake a varied programme of activities including a volunteering project, skill based activity, physical activity and an expedition, with the added challenge of a residential project at Gold level. A DofE Leaflet is available to explain how the DofE programme works with the Girlguiding programme.

Within Girlguiding Middlesex East our County DofE Adviser is Clare Harvey who supports units and individuals who are working on the programme. To contact her email her on

Anyone wishing to undertake the programme needs to register by completing the Enrolment Form 2015 and sending it along with payment to Clare (details on the form). Current prices for registration are listed below:

Bronze:           £18.00 to include postage and packing

Silver:             £18.00 to include postage and packing

Gold Pack:       £25.00 to include postage and packing

Once registered the girls will choose their activities and record what they are doing through an online system eDofE. As they do their activities they will upload evidence and gather reports from assessors which will form the evidence for their award overall.

Upon completion a badge and certificate are presented and there is also the opportunity to collate an achievement pack, collecting together all of the evidence used for the award. Those who complete the Gold level will also get the opportunity to attend a Gold DofE Presentation at St James’s Palace which will be in the presence of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh or HRH The Earl of Weesex.

Expeditions – There are some specific processes required when planning and undertaking the expedition section of the DofE programme. Check out the forms available here:

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