Recognising Achievements

We believe recognising and thanking the dedication and hard work of our volunteers is really, really important. There are are variety of ways in which to do this. Anyone can nominate for awards, so please, do!

For an up to date list of those who’ve received awards, please click on the links for each award. If you have any questions at all regarding awards, feel free to email Alison Nugent (Awards Chair) on

Middlesex East Certificate of Thanks

A way of recognising anyone’s contribution to Girlguiding in Middlesex East; for uniformed and non uniformed members alike. Often given in conjunction with a gift of flowers or chocolate.

Middlesex East Good Service Brooch

The County’s own Good Service Brooch is designed to recognise exceptional service in our County, particularly within a District or Division. It may be awarded to any uniformed or Trefoil Guild member of Girlguiding Middlesex East and may be worn in or out of uniform. The criteria for exceptional service will vary, but may include length of service, quality of service, or service that has been given in exceptional circumstances. Applications should be made to the Division Commissioner, who has the discretion to approve that the Award be given. Commissioners should submit nominations to Julie James at

The Chief Commissioner Award

The Girlguiding LaSER Chief Commissioner’s award is for inspirational volunteering. It is awarded to exceptional volunteers that go above and beyond and who motivate and improve quality girl led guiding. For more information on how to nominate, please go to the LaSER website

Girlguiding Thanks Badge

The Thanks badge can be either a brooch or lapel pin given to members and non-members of Girlguiding as a sign of appreciation for their support. Any member of Girlguiding may present a Thanks badge after discussion with a leader or commissioner. The Thanks badge may only be given to a member of the Trefoil Guild if they have given service specifically to Girlguiding. The Thanks Badge can be given by anyone.

Girlguiding Good Service Brooch and Certificate

The Girlguiding Good Service brooch may be given to an adult, who is a member of Girlguiding for excellent service to guiding. These are generally given by the County Commissioner, for service in the County.

Laurel Award

The Laurel Award is a Girlguiding award given in recognition of outstanding service to Girlguiding. This award may be given to an active adult member of Girlguiding.

The Silver Fish

The Silver Fish is Girlguiding’s highest award. It is given in recognition of outstanding and distinguished service and an exceptional contribution to a wide section of Girlguiding, including international guiding either in the United Kingdom or abroad. This award may be given to an active adult member of Girlguiding.

Girlguiding’s Guiding Star

Rewarding bravery and determination in challenging situations in our young members, from age 5 up to 26.