
Welcome to Guiding in Middlesex East for 2019

County Training Day 2019

Please “Save the Date” for our next County Training Day – Sunday 23rd June 2019 at Northern Heights.  Details on how to book your place and select your sessions on the County Flyer


Just a reminder of the dates for Census.

Other Dates coming up

Thanks and Recognition Evening 03 July 2019 Earth House, Northern Heights

Do you know someone who deserves an award or would you just like to say thank you?  This evening is your opportunity to do just that.  Please contact your commissioner or Awards Representative to find out how.

6-7 July – BP Adventure, Northern Heights   LAST EVER

Following the success of our previous events we will once again be running a BP Adventure at Northern Heights so save the date and look out for further information to make sure your girls get places as soon as bookings open.  for more information contact Carole, our Guide Adviser at


We have an outline training plan for 2019 which includes First Response and Safe Space Training.  for more information or to book a place on one of our courses please contact our Training Coordinator, Sandra Hall, at

Don’t forget – First Response training is essential for new leaders completing the Leadership Qualification and all units MUST have at least one leader with a current First Aid qualification.

The following courses are currently planned for the spring term, and further courses will be available during the rest of the year

Northern Heights Task Force

How is that New Year’s Resolution to get fitter going? Well a perfect way to keep it up throughout the year, and be more productive than just going to the gym, is to join the monthly Task Force Team at Northern Heights.

There are always plenty of jobs to do – indoor and outdoor – suited to your ability or interest. You are welcome to attend for all or part of the day- anytime between 10am and 4pm. Please bring gloves and wear old clothes. Bring a packed lunch but refreshments and soup are provided. The dates for 2019 are:

13th January, 10th February, 9th March, 6th April, 11th May, 8th June, 20th July, 14th September, 12th October, 16th November

For more information contact Sue Gillett on 020 8292 8836 or